Пожарская  котлета, не имеющая никакого отношения к князю Дмитрию Пожарскому, и ее младшая сестра - котлета по-киевски, к Киеву имеющая некоторое, но не принципиальное отношение.
Jun 7, 2024, 160 views

"Pozharsky cutlet," which has nothing to do with Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, and its younger sister - the "Chicken Kiev cutlet," having some, but not essential, relation to Kiev.

This is often the case. Stopping at the Evdokim Pozharsky Hotel in Torzhok, Emperor of Russia Nicholas I was so charmed by the dish served to him that he called for the chef to personally thank him (at that time, the hotel and restaurant were already managed by Evdokim Pozharsky's daughter, Darya Evdokimovna Pozharskaya). What better advertisement could there be?
АПЕЛЬСИНОВЫЙ СОК - не только полезный, но еще и практически бесполезный. (А иногда даже вредный)
Jun 5, 2024, 163 views

ORANGE JUICE - not only useful, but also practically useless. (And sometimes even harmful)

Why does every American (and not only) have a full glass of this juice for breakfast?
Хаукарль - несколько (на 66 позиций) более отвратительно блюдо, чем наш родной, вкусный, культовый холодец
Jun 5, 2024, 162 views

Hákarl is somewhat (66 positions) more repulsive dish than our native, tasty, cult holodets.

Who took the first place? Surpassing all the 'century-old' eggs, swallow's nests, tuna eyeballs, fried tarantulas, and newly formed chicks, cheese with fly larvae, the hákarl took the top spot! And here, a glass of vodka is definitely necessary!
Шпинат - муки поколений американских детей, не меркнущие даже над рыбным жиром, муками, явившимися поколениям Советских детей
Jun 4, 2024, 162 views

Spinach is the staple of American children for generations, undiminished even by the fish oil, the staple that appeared for generations of Soviet children.

It was believed to be beneficial as a source of iron - all reference books indicated a staggering 35 mg of iron per 100 g of vegetable, which far exceeded the amount of iron in any other product.
Ньюпорт - город дарующий невероятные впечатления, но только своими лучшими устрицам затмевающий банальность своей кухни.
Jun 2, 2024, 162 views

Newport is a city that offers incredible experiences, but it's only its finest oysters that overshadow the banality of its cuisine.

Newport, RI, is arguably the most fascinating city in the USA. Being the largest slave market, it was under the protectorate of pirates. Yes, yes! Pirates indeed! Those with a parrot on their shoulder and a wooden peg leg.
САЛАТ ОЛИВЬЕ, каким мы его не знаем
May 27, 2024, 165 views

OLIVIER SALAD, as we don't know it

Despite the immense popularity within the territory of the former Soviet Union, this is not quite what the inventor of this masterpiece had envisioned originally. This salad was first introduced in the 19th century by the renowned chef Lucien Olivier at the Moscow restaurant "Hermitage".
Шафран. $20000 за килограмм! Берем?
May 25, 2024, 159 views

Saffron. $20,000 per kilogram! Shall we take it?

The Dutch East India Company - the largest in the entire history of civilization. $20,000,000,000 (twenty trillion dollars), if you compare its assets with today's dollar rate. Microsoft, Apple, and Tesla are nervously smoking on the sidelines.
Хинкали. Почему защипов так много, а хвостики нельзя есть
Apr 30, 2024, 163 views

Khinkali. Why there are so many pleats, and why you can't eat the tails.

Pleats on khinkali. There should be at least 19 of them. Or 25… Or 30… Nobody knows exactly, but the more, the better. Why?
Вустерский соус. Забывчивость, подарившая миру уникальный соус
Apr 13, 2022, 160 views

Worcestershire sauce. Forgetfulness that gifted the world a unique sauce

John Wheeley Lea and William Henry Perrins gifted European civilization with a reincarnation of the ancient Roman sauce garum at the end of the 19th century.